*Paid Fee: 5,000 KRW/month or 60,000 KRW/year** If you want a legal receipt of your payment, through your registered email address, send us the required info (payment date, payer name, social security number).
*Choose your language to use here!
Without any in-between blank, input your id with alphabets and numbers (6~16 characters).
Your registration email should not exceed 100 characters.*Additionally, if you join the prepaid 'Maybler Plus' service, you will be notified of the completion of your payment through this email address within a day.
(6~16 characters).
To confirm, input the same password again.
If you click the 'Join' button, you accept the Maybler Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy, Terms of Paid Services, and the Refund Policy at the same time.
(This should be at leat 6 characters long, and never exceed 16 characters.)
(For assurance, please type in the same password again.)